Wednesday, 1 December 2010
The new arranged date for the BIG Stakeholders Event and open meeting is THURSDAY 20TH JANUARY 3-5PM at The Inch Community Centre downstairs.
We do hope that you will be able to make this and hope that this extra time gives opportunity to gather more awareness around the event and more time to bring a stall or information on your organisation if you wish, so if you are interested please let us know.
The Bridgend Winter Festival will still be going ahead as things stand and we still would also love to receive any questionnaire responses if possible, so if you need another copy please email us to say so.
Enjoy these snowy days and maybe see you on December 11th or January 20th.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Stakeholders Event! (Thursday December 2nd 3-5pm)
Stakeholders Event - Thursday December 2nd 3-5pm
Downstairs at the Inch Community Centre
You are all cordially invited to this open public stakeholders event to give you the chance to voice your opinions on Bridgend Farmhouse and its potential renovation.
There will be the opportunity to see the current plans there are from Bridgend Inspiring Growth, hear presentations and suggestions from different partner organisations and groups, and be able to ask questions and work with others to give your views and ideas, and find ways you can get involved.
If you are interested in being one of the presenters or are an interested organisation that would like to bring information or a stall demonstrating the kinds of things you could see the site best used to develop then please get in touch.
This is Your chance to have a say, and if you are supportive of a community development for the farmhouse then please come along to show your support. A leaflet with more information is available on this blog with a questionnaire which we would very much appreciate if people could fill out and return.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
BIG Steering Group Meeting Minutes - 11th November
Attached is the minutes of last Thursday's steering group meeting:
Most notably it was decided that there two upcoming public events to raise awareness and gather ideas around the farmhouse renovation. These are:
- Bridgend Inspiring Growth Stakeholders Event (December 2nd) 3-5pm at the Inch Community Centre (note the changed time)
- Bridgend Winter Festival (December 11th) 11-5pm at Bridgend Community Allotment.
If anyone would like to help with either of these then please get in touch. Also, we are still very open for more commitee members, or those who could be part of a sub-commitee. Again, let us know if you would like to help in that regard.
Check back for more information on the above events soon.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
BIG Steering Group Meeting (Thursday 11th November)
Sorry for a lack of updates in the last few weeks. However there is lots of progress and advances that have been made. Most importantly of these was the fixing of the holes in the roof which happened last week at last! We can congratulate everyone who has constantly pushed for some work to be done on patching the holes up now to try to prevent further damage.
We have our next steering group meeting this Thursday (11th) at 7-8.30 at the Inch Community Centre. If you are able and interested in attending then please let us know. We hope to organising the next set of open meetings and events and what the next steps will be in relation to the farmhouse.
If you are unable to attend but would like to give your thoughts and feedback before then please give us an email at
See you soon!
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
BIG Steering Group Meeting Minutes - 18th October
Also, we now have 110 supporters as official members of Bridgend Inspiring Growth. If you would like to show your support as well and become a member then please email us and we can send on a membership form and information on the next meeting and action to
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Bridgend Inspiring Growth
On Thursday 7th October Bridgend Inspiring Growth became an official unincorporated association agreed between the commitee members that were present. A consitution has been written which can be seen here at If anyone would like to join as a member or as a commitee member then please get in touch.
We also put together an identification of current needs, objectives and outcomes for the project as it is at this stage.
A summary of this are included within the meeting minutes which can be accessed here:
Monday, 11 October 2010
Post Apple Day Thoughts and Feedback
This is some of the feedback, thoughts and comments received from folk on Saturday:
- Everyone we spoke to was very positive and supportive of what we have been suggesting so far. There was a strong emphasis and interest in the development of training services that could link in with ILA conservation and horticultural trainging - this was expressed by some residents over from Niddrie and Craigmillar.
- One concern to consider was security and that if we were to take ownership we would have responsibility of putting up a fence around the building, and also having to consider a nightime warden (although this could of course benefit the allotments a lot too).
- There was interest from Black Diamond FM who hope to be following the progress and helping to raise awareness through radio.
- Partnerships with lots of local groups and charities was mentioned as being very important. If anyone is able to get in contact with other groups we so far haven't and approach them to see if they would be interested in any support or partnerhsip then please do.
- It was also suggested that some local firms may be willing to help support the venture financially with small sums - so a form of fundraising. It was suggested we write a letter to send out asking businesses about this.
- On fundraising, there was an idea for a 'buy a tile' scheme to repair the roof. If we could ask all interested in ebing memebrs and supporting the restoration to 'buy a tile' for a small amount then maybe we could get that done soon.
- A couple people mentioned the potential of 'buddy' schemes between older and younger people that could be utilised through the building.
- Supposedly the government are helping to pay for young apprenticeships and that if there were to be some involved in the design and build then this could be incorporated.
- Autism Initiatives are running programs at the Hermiatge which incorporate DIY and build programs so could potentially be approached about ideas and support.
- Lots of people mentioned different small pots of funding for particular aspects that could be applied for. We need to identify what sort of exact function the property could have and what exact funders might assist with this once a renovation was to take place.
- Finally - the importance of the immediacy of the use of food was emphasised, and of utilising the 'plough to plate' possibilities all on one site - moving from an abundant allotment of food and produce to a community cafe/kitchen and workshop/study room.
On another note - I also found out about preserving your veg through the winter - and here's a little link to some info on that:
We are having our next steering group meeting at 18.30 on Monday 18th at Inch Community Centre if anyone is able to attend.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Apple Day!! - October 9th at Bridgend Allotments (next to the farmhouse)
There will be apple juicing and pressing, refreshments, stories and games.
There will also representatives from our group there talking to people about the possible renovation plan and gathering peoples views and ideas - so please come along to help or add your views.
Meeting Minutes - 27th September
On this Monday just past some of the Farmhouse renovation steering group met again to discuss our research for the farmhouse development and use. There was a lot of good ideas and positive discussion and we have decided to forumalte an official unincorporated 'Bridgend Farmhouse Renovation Group'. If you would like to be a part of this, either on the commitee or as a member please email us at
With this we will be planning to put togther a plan and proposal by the end of the month for sources of finance, use of the building and property, and greater community involvement.
Minutes of the meeting are attached here , but if you would like to know more or want to get more involved then please email us. We will be putting it all together in the next month so now is the time to let us know.
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Steering Group Meeting Minutes
We decided on trying to clarify the vision, and from this to gauge the interest in this, or establish a beneficial and feasible use for the space. As a result of the 'Bridgend Farmhouse Steering Group' meeting and open public meeting, we would like to suggest the following proposal for the potential renovation and community use of Bridgend Farmhouse:
Bridgend Environmental Education Resource Centre
After discussing the options expressed at the public meeting, and considering this in light of the services offered in the Craigmillar and Liberton area, and the work that could be developed, it was suggested that the vision for the farmhouse was as an centre for environmental education which could incorporate:
Outdoor play and engagement
Conservation and Horticultural Training
Training in and the development of renewable technologies
A community kitchen and drop-in resource room
The hosting of different courses in rural based arts and crafts
The farmhouse could be utilised by a variety of environmentally based organisations for these purposes - some on a long term lease, some as temporary or one off rentals for outreach or courses. The downstairs could potentially house a community kitchen for cookery courses, and a large workshop space for development of the training mentioned above. The long corridor imbetween could also be used as a storage space for equipment, boots, kit, drying rack, etc. Upstairs there are 3 large rooms that could be used for a variety of means. We would be looking for 3 (or less) organisation to be based there to be renting the room and harnessing the potential of the farmhouse as a base for their activities and programs. The name and exact focus is not definitive but just acts as a guide for the time being.
There could be the potential then for the use of the garden and the development of out houses as a classroom, workshop space or further storage unit, but this would be considered a phase 2 proposal.
To get to this point we would need to form a 'Bridgend Farmhouse steering group' with a community based membership and directorship. From this we would look to raise awareness and support for the renovation and use of the farmhouse, and start to put together a design and function for the space that would best serve the needs and wants of the local community, and also act as a sustainable business plan, to then apply to 'Growing Community Assets' grant funding for the purchase and renovation of the farmhouse itself.
The current steering group will be meeting again on Monday September 27th. For this we will be looking to apply for funding to develop this program of awareness and of establishing the best use and function for the space for people who would use it. We will be looking to put a program of events together as support for the renovation and for the initiating of environmentally based education around the site.
Before this meeting we would like to gather the responses we can in this regards:
1. As an organisation, or individual, what would you potentially like to use the site for if it was to be renovated, and if you might be particularly interested in renting or leasing rooms or space.
2. Would you like to become a member of our group or attend the next steering group meeting?
3. Would you be interested or able to assist with a program of events based around the farmhouse focused around environmental awareness and education.
With this information we can discuss things further at the next meeting and put some of this into action, and start to put together a feasible and appropriate plan or design for the farmhouse and its possible renovation.
If you would like to be involved in anyway, or have any ideas of future involvement please email:
Friday, 20 August 2010
Monday, 9 August 2010
Steering Group Meeting - 17th August
If you are interested and able to attend please RSVP to for more details.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Meeting Minutes and The Next Steps
Bridgend Farmhouse Public Meeting – June 8th 2010
To all who attended the meeting or expressed an interest in attending but could not make it along,
Many thanks to all of you who beared the elements to come down and have your say on the future developments of Bridgend Farmhouse.
It was a constructive and useful meeting that brought together a lot of positive ideas as well as things to consider and be weary of, and began to form a vision for the use of the space. It was brilliant to have such a variety of people from different backgrounds and interests, and especially that we could meet with the previous owners and see what the farmhouse looked like in working condition 10 years ago.
If you follow these links you can access the minutes of the meeting, and if you want a copy of any other information please email us at the address at the bottom:
Minutes: -
After group discussion and a very useful and inspiring presentation by David Jenkins from the Liberton Bankhouse Project we looked to identify two determining issues:
Defining what the community need or want is for the space:
A. The use and function of the farmhouse and property.
B. The type of re-development we want on the building, the amount of space required, the type of facilities wanted and the quality of finish and maintenance we are after.
Who can do that and how:
A. Steering group of interested individuals and organisations and official association/trust/charity to direct the process
B. Potential funders or sources of finance and support
Information on what was discussed within these is included in the minutes.
The next stage then is to form a group of interested individuals with different experience to help assess the different criteria and support of the different suggested possibilities against their limitations and financial constraints.
For this we are asking then for:
People that are interested in potentially being part of this group to read through this email and the minutes and let us know in what capacity you would like to assist and be part of a farmhouse regeneration group.
Organisations and funders that have expressed interest to indicate what sorts of developments and projects they would be looking to get involved with and support at a later stage if we were able to clarify a clear function and funding to renovate the building.
A list of people who would like to maintain their support in the re-development of the space but cannot help at this stage – so that we are aware of others thoughts, ideas and potential experience, and the amount of awareness and want there is for this continued effort for a sustainable regeneration of the property.
At this stage it is vital that we ascertain information on the buildings structural status and what costs would be involved in its basic renovation and bringing it back to working order, and what it would be worth to purchase or lease. If anyone knows anybody that can help with this and getting a structural survey done that would be brilliant. We also need to find out exactly what developments could occur on the land and surrounding property. With this information, and alongside other criteria of potential funding and interested organisations we can assess which particular use and function would be most appropriate, realistic and beneficial for the property and for the area.
Anyone who could also help with the financial considerations, the legal proceedings and the secretarial and administrational responsibilities would be much appreciated.
Please email back any ways that you may be able to help or get involved, or if you know anyone that could, and if you would like to attend a meeting to draft a constitution to form a community group or association to try to clarify this vision and proposal and take it forward with other groups. We aim to meet again in mid July at the Inch Community Centre when we have had responses as to peoples interest and availability for attending this.
If you may not be able to help at this stage but would like to receive information on developments then also let us know.
If people want any more information, including; previous information on planning and developing restrictions and other planning proposals, maps of the surrounding area with other local community groups and projects identified, a high level rough costings, information on the Craigmillar Castle Park plan, the national Allotments strategy or parts of the local council structure plan, we can also forward this on.
We very much look forward to hearing back from you,
Will Golding and Sally Swain
Friday, 28 May 2010
Open Public Meeting - Tuesday 8th June 2010. 5 - 6pm

Please come along to discuss how the property may benefit the area and community.
Come and have your say...! 5 - 6pm on Tuesday 8th June at Bridgend Allotments, 41 Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh, EH16 4TE