Thursday, 22 December 2011

Thinking BIG - Where next for the farmhouse renovation in 2012...

Hello all,

We wish you all goodwill, warmth and fun times over this winter break.

There are a few things to catch up on and also a few notes of what will be happening with the farmhouse renovation project in the New Year.

1. On December 3rd 6 of us went to visit Moffat CAN ( Everyone seemed to have a really good afternoon and we were treated to a wonderful tour and history of a very inspiring project that has grown from a local recycling scheme to a very impressive renewables and allotments project and building restoration. We are very thankful to Alis, her son, Katrina and some of the local gardeners for their kindness and time. Pictures can be found on the Gallery tab of this blog.

2. We have had 2 meetings in the last month. They have began the plans for the local history and storytelling project that we will be carrying out in Spring 2012. We will be working to engage both younger folk at school and older people in the area in residential setting so limited in now accessing the farmhouse. We have some amazing storytellers and storygatherers involved so far. There is a great deal of historical research being carried out locally through the Greater liberton Heritage Project currently, particularly to do with the old chapel that is on the site of the farmhouse. The results look to be very revealing and interesting. If you would be interested in getting involved in anyway please get in touch.

3. In the New Year we will be be running a workshop with DTAS Community Ownership Support Service to design our next action plans based on the consultation and discussion done locally so far. This will help us in filling out funding applications and taking the project forward. Details still TBC. Any interest please contact us.

4. We will be looking to go on a second study visit to Lambhill Stables in Glasgow. If you could help to organise this or would like to come please let us know.

5. Finally, we aim to begin carrying out a Social Return on investment on the potential prospects of the farmhouse renovation. Any help in compiling local research for this would be very useful.

6. We would like to thank all at Daisy's Diner for their fine hospitality and kindness in hosting our meetings over the past month.

In terms of the situation with the farmhouse we are still trying to build capacity and filling out funding applications to continue trying to save the farmhouse from further degradation. This is essential and any help in this regard would be absolutely vital to the possibility of this happening. Please assist with this if you can.

In terms of planning:
  • please look at the Edinburgh Local Development Plans for 2012. They include a variety of pieces of greenbelt land being removed as greenbelt. This may or may not directly affect the farmhouse property, but certainly does other greenspace land in the city. Please visit the website to add your views and comments before plans are finalised from January 27th.
  • Currently the farmhouse is under the governance of Fields in Trust as Greenbelt protected land. if it was to lost this status it would be under sole governance of Edinburgh City council and thus could be disposed of with their consent and without needing fields in Trust. For more info on Fields in Trust to consider these implications follow this link
  • Also, please be aware of planning application currently in for a huge development up the road: Follow the link and click on the top search for more info. Comments are welcome at this stage. Please consider possible impacts on this development on the area and of course the farmhouse.

Lastly then. We will continue to work towards the farmhouse renovation and to continue trying to broaden our engagement and work within Bridgend, The Inch, Liberton and the wider communities. We will keep on trying but without extra support and help we may not be able to continue. if you are able to support the project in anyway please come forward in the New Year. It really could make all the difference.

Have a wonderful winter and new year and see you in 2012!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Meeting Minutes and Study Visit

Hello All,

Here is a link to the minutes from our recent meeting. We have tried to make them short and clear, just outlining the business and actions decided. We are considering moving some of the meetings to a local cafe in the evenings. Please let us know if there's one you'd particularly like to suggest or offer as a venue?

Also - we will be going on a study trip and training day soon as a group to see Building Restoration Project and various sustainable and environmental initiatives recently developed at Moffat CAN. This will be on Saturday 3rd December.
If you are interested in coming along to this please let us know by November 7th.

In the meantime, if you have any other ways you would like to get involved or support the project, to help with local history project, youth engagement work or developing the business plan, then do get in touch.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Recent Updates and upcoming AGM

Hello folks,

Just a few updates and a reminder about our next meeting (our first Annual General Meeting).

  • On September 3rd we had a great training day, building design workshop and skillshare at Bridgend allotments. Thanks to all who took part and attended and for everyones efforts, energy and enthusiasm. There is a report on the event if you follow this link (couldn't find a way to attach it):
  • The following day we found out we had managed to reach our fundraising target £500! This was amazing news and has been able to fund the essential EnviroReport needed on the land of the farmhouse which identified 'no evidence manifest on the building of significant foundation problems' and secure below ground issues. Thanks again to all the financial support shown from all for this. It was a huge effort to do in one month and we just did it in time. Amazing!
  • We have received some funding from the Neighbourhood Partnership which is to help towards further engagement with others in the area on the possible farmhouse renovation and on creating educational opportunities as part of this process. This may include oral history, storytelling, an exhibition or book on Bridgend and a youth event. If you would like to help with the organisation and carrying out on any of these please get in touch.
  • We will be having out next general meeting on Monday october 3rd 6.30-8.30pm at Inch Community Centre. This will be our AGM so anyone can be nominated to have an official position on the organisations board and to bring up any particular issues, concerns or suggestions for the next year. Please come along if you would like.
  • We are in the process of putting a website together which should be here in the next few months and hopefully have all the information up there in a much more accessible way than the blog.
We look forward to hearing from and seeing you soon, and if there are any ways you would like to get involved do get in touch -

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Report of Place-Based Learning Day

Attached here for anyone to see is a report of our place-based learning training day at the end of June. Some of the ideas suggested we have since put into actualisation - including the forthcoming event on the 3rd. Please let us know if you would like to attend this next session at

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Community-led Design and summer skillshare

On Saturday September 3rd we will be hosting a community-led design training and summer skillshare event. This will an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate the developments of the farmhouse renovation project so far and to push forward with clearer ideas for its design and use.

Details of venue, timings etc are still be worked out and they will follow soon. However, we are looking for people interested in sharing a skill, running a workshop or offering a tale or bit of wisdom to others that afternoon. If you are interested please get in touch.

Also attached here is the minutes from our recent meeting, The next committee meeting will be our AGM and will be on Monday October 3rd at 6.30pm at Inch Community Centre. As always anyone is very welcome and encouraged to attend.

Hope to see you all at one of these events.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Forthcoming committee meeting (26th July)

This Thursday (26th July) from 6.30-8.30pm at the Inch Community Centre there will be an open committee meeting of Bridgend inspiring Growth for anyone interested in the Bridgend Farmhouse renovation campaign.

We will discuss the current situation with the building, recent training events and forthcoming ones, and fundraising possibilities.

If you are interested and available we would be glad to see you there. Please RSVP to to indicate if you might attend.


Saturday, 28 May 2011

Minutes, New Training Opportunit​ies and Call-out for Volunteers

Hello All,

Here are the minutes from our most recent steering group meeting in April. There is also some notes from the recent training in Governance and Structure we took part in at the end of this write-up.

You may note that the next meeting open to all is June 13th 6.30pm at Inch Community Centre. All are very welcome and encouraged to attend.

There is also a link below to a document which outlines some different ways people can get involved in the project and help out if they would like to but are not sure how. Please get back in touch if you can help in any of these areas at all or would like to input any ideas of suggestions.

Finally, we would like to draw your attention to the next group training we will be offering up to all members:

We are going to be able to offer 15 places on a 'Place-Based Outdoor Learning Training'. This will be exploring and understanding where we are based as a means to working towards positive action in this area and considering this in light of any farmhouse renovation. It offers a great opportunity to learn about outdoor education methods and techniques that can be applied in a variety of contexts whilst gaining as a group a better understanding of Bridgend and the surrounding environment. See the poster for more details, and as places are limited please get in touch soon if you are interested. Also see the training section on this blog.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Bridgend Inspiring Growth Development Trust

Hello All,

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. The training in governance and structure was a successful evening and as a group we considered the various options for further development as an organisation and decided that working towards the establishment as a SCIO would be the best way forward. We are looking into this at the moment and would have an open election for board members of this before forming. If interested please get in touch.

We also discussed the role and aims of the group and felt that these were reflective of those of a development trust and that it would make these clearer to the wider public by making this a clear part of our aims, function and name.

We have had various discussions what Developments Trust Association Scotland about this and felt that our principles were very much in align with that of a developments trust. We will now register with them as a member and make sure we act with their core principles in mind. What this means can be found out by clicking here or in our about section.

If you would like to help us in establishing ourselves as SCIO, or would like to suggest further training suggestions then please get in touch.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Training in Governance and Structure Announced

Bridgend Inspiring Growth are going to be receving a series of training events for its members over the next few months which will give people involved the opportunity to learn more about what is involved in a project and group like this, and in developing the skills and confidence as a group to work towards the renovation of the farmhouse for the benefit of the community.

All are encouraged and welcome to attend and they will be free. Please let us know in advance so we know numbers though.

The first one is April 19th 6.30-8.30pm Cameron House Community Centre:
Training in Structure, Governance and Social Return on Investment

We are delighted to be able to receive expert advice in this area which will hopefully help us in developing the right structures and organisation to take the group forward and formalise ourselves further.

Please get in touch if you would like to attend.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

14th March - Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes from the steering group meeting on 14th March:

There was a lot covered, but they have been summarised under the different sub-elements of the group. We wil be organising a training for anyone interested in governance and structure, looking into what would be best for the groups legal status. This will be in mid April at some point, date and venue TBC. If you are interested in attending please get in touch.

Also, we are hoping to run a fundraising ceilidh, and maybe a Bio-Diversity Event in May. If you would like to help with either of these in any ways then that would be amazing and please get in touch.

Next steering group meeting, open to all, is Monday 4th April 6.30pm at Inch Community Centre.

See you there!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Meeting Minutes and Next Session Date...

Hi All,

Here is a link to the minutes of the most recent steering group meeting for the farmhouse.

The next official meeting will be on Monday 14th March 6.30-8pm at Inch House Community Centre. Please let us know if you can attend, it would be great to see some of you there.

It was identified strongly at the meeting that it is essential for the projects continuation that we begin fundraising events and activities. If anyone can help with this or would be able to donate please let us know. We have had to go forward with a report on the building to check its structural safety and foundations. This will cost £432 which we need to try to raise to pay for this. However it has shown that the site conditions are safe and of little impact on the building and its renovation - which means we can continue forward reassured that the land and site is safe.

We were also recently present at the Volunteer Fair in South Edinburgh speaking to various interested people there. If you would like the group to come and share some information and have the opportunity to gather ideas and feedback from people at another event then please contact us about this.

In the meantime, if you would be willing to print out and pass on or distribute any questionnaire/flyers for the group please let us know and we can send some on to you.


Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Meeting Minutes and Next Meetup

Below is a link to the minutes from the most recent steering group meeting following on from the Stakeholders Event.

One of the things that was identified as needing help with especially was the developing of funding applications and fundraising.

We also now need formal letters from partner groups and interested organisations in regards to how they could best see the building used to enhance or extend their services and what they would use it for to develop opporuntities for people in the area. Please write to us if you can help or contribute towards this at all.

There will be an informal meeting after Potato Day this Sunday (20th) from around 2.30pm. If you nwould like to attend please let us know. The next steering group meeting is yet to be arranged but will be a weekday evening in early march, soon to be confirmed.

Bridgend Potato Day! - 20th Sunday 2011

This coming Sunday 20th Bridgend Allotments and Health Project will be hosting their annual potato day at Bridgend Allotment Site between 11am and 2 pm.There will be:
  • Many varieties of seed potatoes will be on sale: a great chance for all keen gardeners to stock up for the new season. The full list is below.
  • Talks and tips on growing and cooking.
  • Refreshments and entertainment.
  • Entry is free and light refreshments will be available.
  • You can also find out more about the allotments at Bridgend and the work of the Health Project, as well as information on the farmhouse and the Bridgend Inspiring Growth
Do come along to learn about all the different varieties of potatoes you can get that aren't just Kind Edwards, and to get yourself some seed potatoes for the new planting season.

Presentations on the farmhouse

We have just posted up some of the powerpoint presentations from the Stakeholders Event. Please check the presentations page at the top of the screen if you would like to view any of these.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Bridgend Farmhouse Stakeholders Event Report

Bridgend Inspiring Growth Farmhouse Renovation Project

Stakeholders Event

20th January 2010 at Inch Community Centre


A very well attended event with lots of enthusiasm, good ideas and suggestions. There was the opportunity to find out more information on the farmhouse, fill out questionnaires and membership forms and visit stalls of different local organisations before hearing from different speakers and then offering views through groupwork sessions and a final Q&A.

Stalls: Bridgend Inspiring Growth, Walk Edinburgh, Volunteer Scotland, Carr-Gomm Scotland, Craigmillar Woods Action Group, Teens Plus, Mountain Bike Action Project, Countryside Ranger Service

Attendees: Over 60 in total – including representatives from Bridgend Residents Commitee, Bridgend Allotment Community Health Inclusion Project, EVOC, Community Learning and Development, Community Renewal, Craigmillar Ability Network, Edinburgh Community Food and Health, Inch Park Community Sports Centre, Active Schools, Princes Trust, ELGT, Climate Challenge Fund, University of Edinburgh, Forth Sector, Black Diamond FM, Transition Town Edinburgh University, FirstPort, Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society, Councillor Buchanan, Councillor Snowden, as well as the organisations above and the presenters.

Presentations: A summary of the 8 presentations is available by email at the presentations page on this blog.

Groupwork: After the main presentations, the meeting broke away into four groups to discuss various aspects of the BIG project: restoring the farmhouse, health and well-being projects, outdoor education and training, and community involvement. Their suggestions were written down and are available via this link:

Q&A: Several good points made: the need to get schools and young people involved, the importance of using the whole of Craigmilar Castle Park as a resource, remembering the history of the park, castle and farmhouse and the need for a simple, clear aims and structure for the project.

Conclusion and next moves:

  • A meeting of the steering committee on Monday 7th February at 6.30 in the Inch Community which all interested individuals and organisations are invited.

  • The planning of the next community involvement events.

  • The drafting of a business plan.

  • Submission of grant applications to the National Lottery Fund, the Climate Change Fund and a some environmental and training funds.

We would like to emphasise that is an voluntary community project open to all and would welcome any ideas, suggestions, help, comments and further feedback. It is only through the dedication, time, passion and energy of all involved that this can possibly happen. Please get in contact at: or on 07949230245.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Bridgend Sustainable Build and Construction Drop-in programme

Since the recent Bridgend Farmhouse Stakeholders Event we have began the process of following up some of the ideas expressed and are considering the possibility of establishing a weekly drop-in session in sustainable construction and product building at Bridgend. We are trying to conduct some research here to see if it would be used and whether this would help to address some of the things addressed at the event. If you have any time please fill out this brief questionnaire, and send on to others if you think it is relevant to them.

Click here to take survey

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Open Stakeholders Event - Very Soon!

Do not forget everyone that this coming Thursday is the Bridgend Inspiring Growth Public Stakeholders Event.

It will be at Inch Community Centre between 3 and 5pm. Please arrive at the start if possible. There will be hot drinks served throughout.

This is a huge opporunity to meet everyone else who has a vision and suggestions for the project and renovation and to show your support so please do attend.

The event agenda is listed below. If you have any questions or suggestions before, or would like to bring some information on your group please get in touch soon.

Bridgend Inspiring Growth

Farmhouse Renovation Group

Stakeholder's Event

20th January 2011

Kindly hosted by Inch Community Centre


3.00 – 3.15; Welcomes, Questionnaires, Look round stalls

3.15 – 3.30: Introduction from Bridgend Inspiring Growth and Presentation on Bridgend Farmhouse

3.30 – 4.15: Speakers:

John Palmer – NHS

Malcolm Fraser – Malcolm Fraser Architects

Brain Cameron – University of Edinburgh

Simon Beames – Curriculum for Excellence

Marjorie White – Enable (TBC)

Moira Stevenson - Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society

Karen Carrick and Chris Macefield – Bridgend Growing Communities

4.15 – 4.30: Breakout and Groupwork. Please go to the table you think is most relevant to you of the 4: 'Building and Design', 'Training and Education, 'Health and Well-Being', and 'Outreach and Events'.

4.30 – 4.45: Q&A

4.45 – 5: Summary and 'what next'

Other stalls here:

Enable, Walk Edinburgh, Liberton High School, Craigmillar Woods Action Group, Teens Plus and possibly more...

With many thanks to Douglas Jeffrey and all at the Inch for supporting us in hosting this event and to all who have kindly given their time to come along and have supported the project so far.