Last Sunday we gathered together under barn of Bridgend Allotments, bringing over thirty new and old faces together to share the current situation now the farmhouse is on the open market. We were so pleased to be joined by some P7 students and their parents from Liberton Primary school - who took part in participatory design workshops this last month and whose work was on display for people to see.
We started the day enjoying the autumnal sun, as dough was shaped, bunting was made and miniature walls created to envision the farmhouse’s future. With a bowl of hot local organic vegetable soup and organic cob-baked sourdough, the recently completed film about Bridgend Inspiring Growth by Aidan Nicol was screened (soon to be released and available online and sent to members) and afterwards people were updated on the current situation in regards to the sale of the building. We had some lengthy and productive discussions on what we could do collectively to respond to this.
Those who stayed on longer were given a tour around the outside of the farmhouse by John Knox - BIG committee member and Darla Eno - on work placement from Edinburgh University. Some of the farmhouse’s local history was shared as well as Malcolm Fraser’s architectural proposals.
Afterwards, we returned to the barn, where Will Golding gave a presentation about the extensive work that BIG has done so far - a lot of which reflected the recently completed business plan. A discussion followed with great input from everyone present- thinking where to go from here, mainly focussing on outreach/awareness, fundraising/finance and legal/policy. Some tasks were divvied up and the beginning of an action plan devised so that people went away with something they could do to help including.
We also were giving out the condensed ‘vision’ for the Bridgend Farmhouse - which combines key elements from the architectural and business feasibility studies (available here) and there was opportunity for these plans to be discussed. If you are interested in viewing the full versions of these documents please let us know on These are all working documents and will be added to and edited over time.
Participants were encouraged to take flyers away to distribute amongst people, that illustrate the farmhouse renovation project and give pointers to what people can do to help (view here). A petition was discussed and will be launched soon to demonstrate support from wide range of people.
AL Huthcison produced a video slideshow of the event, which anyone who listens to Black Diamond FM, may have heard mentioned on there recently. This is available here
Thank you to all those who came to the event! Our contact list of supporters is growing and all of you are much needed. As ever, please get in contact if you would like to get involved or have any questions about things.
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